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I had never meditated before finding Zen4Minds. To be honest, I had a very negative attitude toward things like meditation, self-help, natural healing, etc. I thought it was just "hippie stuff" for wimps who couldn't handle their own lives. It wasn't until recently that I realized how poorly I'd been dealing with stress and the negative effects it was having on my self-esteem, productivity, and relationships.

I found myself stuck with the "tough it out/suck it up/shoulder to the wheel" mindset that prevented me from seeking real ways to help myself deal with stress and anger. I'm not proud to say my most frequent coping mechanism was drinking. That's not to say I'm a teetotaler now, but given the history of alcoholism that is so pervasive in our culture in general--and my family in particular--that's not a road I'll be traveling any further. Upon experiencing a stressful event, I reach for my laptop and headphones, rather than reaching for a beer.

Jo's calm, soothing voice, breathing technique, and messages full of positivity and encouragement make a great difference on any given day. At minimum they help me take a moment for myself and remember that regardless of what is happening around me, I count too. Through continued practice I've found a source of inner strength I never knew I had. I have the ability to think positively and even find myself treating others with more compassion and patience. As a result, my relationships have improved and I find myself attracting more and more friends. I was a lonely kid growing up, so this is a welcome change.

Thanks to Zen4Minds I'm better able to accept my failures and frustrations, and more importantly, to celebrate my victories and progress. I value myself and recognize that I do, indeed, deserve good health, happiness, and prosperity. And so do you!

Gaby    Riverside, CA   

I been using the guided meditations for a little whIle now and found them so very helpful. I found the especially helpful with training for my new job which I am proud to say I now have the job. THANK YOU!

Kat Westlake    Lewes   

The meditations always helped me a lot in difficult situations and I apply the exercises in everyday life. Besonders die Meditation mit Tahmoh Penikett hat es mir angetan, seine Stimme hat etwas sehr beruhigendes. Thank you!

Stefanie Peller    Berlin, Germany   

So usefull and extremely helpful. I'm a carer for my disabled mum which can be tough and using these guided meditations has helped me to be calmer and do my job better. I love tahmohs ones very soothing 😊

Katie westlake    Ringmer UK   

Testimonial *I have always has sleep problems, but 9 months ago it got even worse, to the point where I am not getting any sleep at all. I've tried guided meditation in the past and just could not make it happen, so when I came across this, I thought I'd try it (I'm a bit of a Tahmoh fan). It does take me 3 sessions to get to sleep, but I do fall asleep. But the reason I am writing is to say that while on holiday, I found myself on a beach in Kauai. I sat in the sand and watched the waves crash into the coral, and thought I'd try some 'awake' meditation. So I played 'becoming happy'. Now, I don't know how many times I've played it over the past 9 months - but only ever to fall asleep. So, I am sitting on this beach, watching the waves, they are so loud I can hear them over the voice in the headphones. The clouds hid the sun, there was a slight salty breeze, the temperature was perfect, and suddenly, becoming happy made perfect sense. It all seemed so simple. I wish I could capture that feeling and put it in a bottle and bring it out everytime I lose my temper or my motivation...
So thank you, Jo and Tahmoh. I didn't think it would work, but wow. I am so thankful to have come across this.

Author *Becca    Australia   

I want to thank you! I sleep so well when I listen before sleep. And the ones I listen to at work to calm me are great! Need to do the 30 day challenge.And I want to try others!

Verona Harris    Colorado Springs   

Testimonial * I am so grateful for this site. I had the pleasure of meeting Tahmoh at an SPN con last year, and he had such a grounding energy that when he posted about Zen4Minds, I had to check it out. I used to meditate regularly, but fell out of the habit after a bad break up led me to associate meditation with that relationship. Thank you, Zen4Minds and Tahmoh for giving me a new, positive association with a sorely missed part of self-care. I listen to it every night before bed and whenever I need to center. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through last year without it. I look forward to continuing to explore the various guided meditations here. Namaste

Author *Abigail Shuman    Location*Lititz, PA, USA   

Thank you to you and Tahmoh for the Becoming Happy and Content! Since I started doing this last year, my work stress has been positively impacted , and my over all outlook has changed me for the better.
Thanks again!

Julie    BARBERTON   

I was fortunate enough to meet Tahmoh at the first Minnesota Convention for Supernatural. He mentioned that he was doing these meditations and made such a wonderful impression as a grounded, balanced human that I decided to check out the site on his recommendation, and it helped bring me back to a practice I had been unable to return to since a bad falling out with someone in my life that I had started meditating with years before. I am deeply grateful not only that I was able to reassociate the practice but that I found a site that made it so available to me at a time when my life was becoming deeply tumultuous caring for a loved one at home with Alzheimer’s. With her recent passing and the current state of madness in the world Zen4Minds has become a refuge and a place from which to rebirth myself into the life after the closing of another chapter. Truly, one of the things that I am appreciating this season is the opportunity to return to a regular practice of mindfulness. Namaste 🙏

Abby    Pennsylvania   

I am an adult with ADHD and sometimes my crazy ADHD brain does not let me sleep. Zen4Minds has helped me so much that sleep problems have become a thing of the past. It has also helped my daughter with her test anxiety. She's a brilliant student taking hard classes and sometimes anxiety gets the best of her. She went from almost failing to a B+ in one marking period. I can't say enough good things about it.

Dana Toth    Michigan   

I have never been able to meditate on my own. These guided mediations help me to relax, focus and sometimes sleep. My day always seems brighter! Thank you!

Mona Marshall    Colorado   


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